Uniwersytet Wrocławski

  • Dr. Elzbieta Gumienna-Kontecka

    Expertise: structural and thermodynamic features of metal complexes, mechanisms of complexation of metals by biologically relevant ligands, physico-chemical techniques: potentiometry, UV-Vis and EPR spectroscopy, ESI-MS, CV.

    Role: Coordination and management of the project.
    Physico-chemical characterization of the synthesized compounds, determination of the behaviour of the species in solutions and their interaction with biologically relevant ligands.


    Faculty of Chemistry, University of Wroclaw, is the leading research institute in the field of coordination chemistry in Poland. The group participating in this project, led by Prof. Henryk Kozlowski, has an impressive experience in biological inorganic chemistry, especially in the description of:
    • structure and function of biomolecules (e.g. aminoacids, peptides and their phosphonic, oximic and hydroxamic analogs; nucleic acids and their subunits, nucleosides; sugars and polisacharides) and their interactions with metal ions,
    • impact of metal ions on chemistry and biochemistry of drugs (tetracyclines, antracyclines, famotidine ect.) and pesticides
    • bioinorganic chemistry of toxic metals (Ni, Cd, Pb, Cr, Al ect.) and molecular mechanisms of metals toxicity and carcinogenesis
    • mechanisms of neurodegeneration and chelating agents for metal ions to be used as a neuroprotective strategy

       The expertise in thermodynamics, structure-function relationship and biological properties of these systems resulted in extremely active collaboration with many recognized European scientists. The active international collaboration is often undertaken in the framework of the European Actions (e.g. COST D8, D18, D20, D34 and recently CM1003) and supported be international grants.
    The Faculty of Chemistry UWR is also a member of the Lifelong Learning Program Erasmus and Marie Curie Center which allows participation of foreign students in scientific research carried out at the Faculty.

    Prof. dr. hab. Henryk Kozlowski
    Expertise: enormous experience in coordination and biological inorganic chemistry, especially in the description of interactions of metal ions with biomolecules and thermodynamics of bioinorganic systems.
    Role: supervision of young researchers of the UWR group in their studies on the coordination ability of investigated compounds. Techniques applied: CD and NMR spectroscopies, MALDI-MS.
    Three young researchers (PhD students and postdocs) from UWR will take part in exchange activity as well.

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